SOUTHERN BRIDAL PORTRAITS DANVILLE, VIRGINIA Ahh, I can finally share this gorgeousness on my blog!! Katie is now a married woman! Well, technically she has been a married woman for about 2.5 months now (Ahh, PS, can we go back to that amazing day?) and I’m just a slow blogger these days! Definitely a big goal for me for 2017…blog MORE!
I love this series of images! For all you Danville folks, these were taken right in the middle of Forrest Hills neighborhood! Just a few steps outside of Katie’s parents home! A good example of light. is. everything!
Absolutely stunning! And wearing her Mama’s 40 year old veil! So special!
This a pretty well known house in Danville, right on Main Street, and known as the “Wedding Cake” house – how appropriate!! I loved it for a quick series of bridal portraits for Katie! So southern and elegant. And white. I just love white. Give me all white everything!
Katie’s bouquet was stunning! I LOVE a big round bouquet! Especially with all WHITE florals! haha! Lily Greenthumbs out of Charlotte never disappoints!! Katie and Steven’s wedding florals were out of this world!
Katie’s Gran wasn’t able to travel down to Charlotte on her wedding day, so went to her while we were in Danville shooting her bridals. I am SO glad we did and that Katie and her family have these sweet photos with Gran! She is so lovely!
Katie! You are gorgeous and this day was so much fun! I loved exploring Danville with you and reminiscing on our high school years! Ahhh, those crazy days!! Also, a HUGE shout out to my awesome veil assistant – Katie’s sister, Meredith!! Y’all are so much fun!! All my love! Xo, Ashley
View Katie and Steve’s Wedding Day at The Mint Museum in Charlotte – HERE.